It has been an interesting November, I can’t believe how fast it has flown!! It has been an interesting time that papers are due, studying gets ramped up and our obligations all come to a peak. I have been able to work more on my writing. I find myself pulling my hair out because I don’t know how much more I can do to improve. I will not quit I am not going to let this get in my way. This is easier to say than to do but I know that this is what I should be doing and that this is one hurdle I am going to have to clear. No one said that seminary was going to be easy, but that is why I am here to get challenged and to learn those things that I do not know.
I have also been able to write a liturgy for the community. I wrote a bi-lingual liturgy where we will be crowing the Virgin Mary. It was so wonderful to be writing in Spanish. I will even get to preach on December 9!
I was able to go to Arizona to be with my sister and my nephews over the Holidays, it was so wonderful to spend time with them. My nephews are growing up so fast I can’t believe it. Every time I see them they have doubled in height. While I was there I was able to take a few days off from reading and to just be it felt to so wonderful!
I know that my last few post have shown how I am struggling at times while I am here at seminary and I thank all of your for your love and support. It is true that this is tough and there are days where I seem to just be treading water but I know that even though it is small I am making progress. I am looking forward to coming home to MN for a few weeks and to start my next semester.
I thank you all for your love and support of me and Matthew as we go through this. I ask for your continued love, support and prayers. Please know that you will be in mine as we..
Jason Lucas